Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Break ~ Much More Like Winter

Spring this year in New York is colder than winter! Who would have thought? You know, back in January, me, myself and I, were imagining renting bikes and riding all around Central Park as soon as Spring show her little nose. I guess it was all an illusion or perhaps bright days are few days ahead and I shouldn't worry much. Anyway, as I had a week off school for Spring, I abandoned my responsibility to blog daily and I went on some personal adventure. First, I might admit this was more a hustle than a break. I literally had no rest however, I had so much fun. My aunt came to visit from Africa so, I showed her around; We visited New York City, New Jersey, Boston, Easthampton, Springfield and Washington DC. We were hitting the road every single day for an average of 4 hours a day. It was a fun road trip. We lived, laughed and captured the moments. I might have ended up with more than a thousand pictures so I am sharing few with you. Hope you enjoy. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


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