Saturday, March 23, 2013

привет ~ Mari Vanna

Whether you enter the kitchen, the bathroom or the living room you experience something. When you step into a known area a set of memories flash before your eyes, and when you enter somewhere new you create new ones. Sometimes what you see, feel, smell or hear meet your expectations, and other times it goes way beyond it. No matter what room, you always experience something; Something good or bad.
When I first entered Mari Vanna I was blown away. It was a warm welcome from the door. The waitresses were dressed in cute little dresses that reminded me of Russian dolls and they smiled and directed us to our table. The decor is amazingly beautiful and as it says above, it is a trip to Russian without the plane ticket. You feel so comfortable and so 'at home' that it instantally puts you in a good mood. So far I must admit that Mari Vanna is one of my favourite restaurant. I had no ideas what dishes Russian ate but I was helped by my dearest Moscow friend.  My favourite were the beef borscht soup (the red one on the picture). It is made of beetroot as the main ingredient and it tastes delicious. I also ordered a mixed beef and pork dumpling that also taste divine topped up with a traditional Vodka mixed with martini and cranberry.
If you ever come to New York City or if you live here I strongly encourage you to go and give it a go. 
And when you are done don't forget to say спасибо (pronounced spasiba, meaning 'thank you' in Russian)


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